Following a mild winter, the 2020 installation season began earlier than usual but then ground to an abrupt halt due to Covid regulations. On the positive side, the number of solar inquiries continues to rise.
One thing crises have in common is that they force us to determine what is most important in life. They force us to adapt in real time, to assess how we are living and to determine how things might need to change. – Stephen Cornish, David Suzuki Foundation, April 2020
The air in many cities around the world is cleaner. Wildlife are frolicking on nearly empty streets and fish are swimming in Venice’s canals. The price of oil has plummeted. Families are spending quality time together like never before. People are re-thinking their priorities during this pandemic and here at Blackline Power, we may not be installing systems right now, but our office is no less busy. In fact, solar inquiries have increased by more than 25% compared to April 2019. It’s time to return to the basics and that includes producing clean power.
Environmentalists were gaining momentum following climate change rallies in the fall and for the first time, the environment was a significant Canadian federal election issue. We can’t stop calling for fundamental change. Perhaps Trudeau agrees. His recent decision to provide relief to the oil and gas industry had three main components: 1) to provide funding to clean up orphan and/or inactive oil and gas well sites; 2) to establish an Emission Reduction Fund; and 3) to expand eligibility for business credit to support at-risk medium-sized energy companies. Let’s keep the pressure on to move towards a greener future as quickly as possible.
Here on the home front, individual actions also count. Strengthening community ties, deciding to buy less stuff, and simply spending time reflecting on what is truly important in life is so worthwhile. If you want to consider incorporating solar at your home, cottage or business, give us a call. It’s an incredible feeling to produce your own clean power.