Aboriginal Projects
Working with First Nations to Bring Solar to Their Communities.

10 kW Net Metering
Interesting Fact: Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce has partnered with the Chippewas of Nawash to build several homes on the reserve.
Project Details: In 2019, one of the new homes was chosen to be a net zero project and the University of Waterloo Warrior Home student design team jumped on board to assist. They won a major competition with their design and acquired funding to support the net zero building components, one of which was a solar system. Blackline Power was hired to install the project and we look forward to continuing our relationship with all project partners.

95 kW MicroFIT Portfolio
Interesting Fact: This portfolio of 10 projects at the Saugeen First Nation is a prime example of the solar consulting and assessment services that Blackline Power can provide to clients. The large picture at the top of the page is a 10 kW system at the Aaron Route Memorial Youth Centre. We installed nine other systems on the reserve on sites such as the Health Centre, Works Department and at Child and Youth Prevention Services.
Project Details: Saugeen First Nation embarked on a long-term renewable energy strategy in 2012. Blackline Power was brought on board after funding was secured to: conduct site visits, coordinate structural engineering assessments, produce system designs, source equipment, install and maintain the systems, and manage all correspondence with the OPA and Hydro One. We continued to work with the band on two 250 kW FIT ground mount FIT solar systems. Unfortunately, both of these projects were cancelled pre-construction following the 2018 Ontario election.
Browse through our residential, non-profit, aboriginal, municipal and electric vehicle charging pages for more projects.