Commercial Projects
A win-win combination of producing solar power and being a green business.

15 kW Net Metering & Zero Export
Interesting Fact: This is the third solar system that we have installed for this client. He began with net metering on his house and cottage and then moved on to his business.
Project Details: A portion of this project was supported by the Municipality of Meaford’s Economic Community Improvement Plan. This program promotes long-term economic sustainability of area businesses and solar most definitely fits the bill!

20 kW Net Metering & Zero Export
Interesting Fact: This property is on Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) land. Blackline Power has worked successfully with the NEC multiple times on both ground mount and rooftop solar projects in Grey County.
Project Details: This project has an enhanced monitoring system that shows in real-time how much solar is being produced versus how much power is being consumed by the business. The property has very high electricity usage and the monitoring will be a useful tool to assess how much solar to add in the future.

100 kW FIT
Interesting Fact: This property is owned by the founder of one of Canada’s largest solar suppliers.
Project Details: In 2010, Blackline Power installed one of the first large solar FIT projects in Ontario at an equestrian centre near Meaford. This system will generate enough electricity to power 30 homes for 40 years carbon-free!